Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Thoughts On ; Etude House Perfect Brow Kit

Hello guys! Welcome to another review/demo/thoughts on! :) Today, we're going to tackle one of my main concerns which are the eyebrows so as you all know, I'm a high school student, therefore I'm not really allowed to wear make up in school, but we all know there are days where I'd like to glam up a bit for that boy across the hall! :"> haha ;) lol. So if you watched my video on YouTube 
I showed to brow products which is the Etude House Drawing Eyebrow Pencil & Etude House Perfect Brow kit the product that I will be including in this review will be the brow kit but please stay tuned for my review on the brow pencil soon!  So let's get started!  

 So here's what the packaging looks like

First of all, Let's all have a moment of silence and just adore this cute packaging!  Most brow powders or kits won't even have this much on the front of their packaging it's usually pain and boring I know, Packaging drives me insane! Sometimes I even buy things only because of how it looks like :-$ eek! bad habit! haha. But This brow set is really worth your money, why? 

It's complete! Nothing else you need to throw in another brow product to your make up bag except maybe some brow gel or something but because this is all that you need it has the brow spooly and another brush that has an flat angled side and a fluffy side. I use this kit almost everyday and it's given me wonders since then!  


  The swatches shown are in the exact same order as the one in the packaging so it's (L-R) Highlight, Brown brow powder then Dark brow powder. I used the brush included in the kit to swatch this at the back of my hand it's fairly pigmented which is great because while having to fill in your brows you don't really need to pick up so much color to your brush so that it won't be too concentrated 

Now here's what I look like without my eyebrow done 

Fierce, I know. Haha! Although my eyebrows are well groomed it's still better to fill them in so that you'll look more up done! 

Now here I am with my eyebrows done! 
Doesn't it look better? having it look more well groomed and "Sophisticated" looking? :) However there are so many eye brow shapes but we're not going to tackle that in this blog because that would be too much! 
That's it for my post today! thank you so much for reading my post have a great day and God Bless! :* 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

I'm Back!

Hi guys! so.. Finally I'm back,alive and kicking! :D did you guys miss yabbie? :)) Lol. Anyways, I'm sorry for not posting for about atleast, 2 weeks? :( Not that I need to make excuses but I had my Long Tests and Sabayan Pagbigkas and I had to lead my class :) 
However, I cannot thank you guys enough! for the continouse request of me to post more on my blog. But, I am a student which means, I don't have all the time in the world to blog :( I am so sorry if I have disappointed some of you I can never promise to post on a daily basis as my schedule can be really tight sometimes :( but what I can promise is to post whenever I can, you guys mean the world to me and I appreciate the effort to check my blog almost everyday to see if I have a new entry. Thank you so so much :)

Enough with the small talk! I have a very special announcement! today I released my youtube channel and my first video ever! :D 
I admit I was super afraid of posting on Youtube, specially because... I'm not a pro :)) and I tend to be really shy.... Sometimes? :) but then I realized nothing's going to happen if I don't work for my dreams to come true, nothing's gonna grow if I don't plant anything on my pot. So here I am, asking your help in reaching my dream! Please subscribe to my channel! I'm just one of those girls, who's dream is big. To be a freelance make-up artist in the future! It's not about gaining fame in the future, it's about having passion on what I'm doing, I wanna show the world how it's possible for me to dream big and make it come true. I wanna show the people out there, that no matter if I'm young I can achieve my dreams.
I know this entry, is short but there's nothing actually left to say! :) thanks for reading my blog today!